Saturday, April 28, 2007

Never Forget Your Dreams

What are your dreams? To some people it's to have a beautiful Condo by the seaside with full facilities, some like to own a ferrari or maserati, some like to own many businesses. But somewhere along the way, our dreams somehow become smaller and smaller and seems to diminish over time as we constantly meet failure after failure, meet obstacles after obstacles.

Remember when we were young? We all have huge ambitions and dreams. Remember when your parents asked you what you wanna do when you grow up? We would yell out very excitedly that I wanna be a pilot! or I wanna be a Doctor! I wanna be an Engineer! Does that sound familiar? What's happened now is that in the real world, as we go about making a living day in day out, we tend to forget our dreams.

So this is not only a reminder for you but also for myself that however much negativity that you faced, however much difficulty you get, always tell yourself that you're one step closer and when you finally succeed, Victory will be sweet. Last but not least, Never forget your Dreams!